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베트남G7커피 카페인함량 g7카페인 g7커피 카페인

by 갓라이크2323 2019. 6. 18.





네이버에 쳐보니 2년,3년 전부터 g7커피 카페인에 대한 질문글이많은데


답변이 하나같이죄다 카더라 통신대답뿐이다.

지식인답변도그렇고 카페들 답변도 그렇다. 제대로 알지도못하면서

답변은 왜다는거지? 웃긴건 이런답변들을 받은 질문자도

아~그렇군요! 하면서 받아들여버린다--; 




"맛이쓰니까 한국꺼보다 훨씬 카페인이 많대요~"

"너무 고카페인이라 한봉을 나눠먹어야된다네요"

"그거 남편이 카페인너무많다고 한봉다먹지말래요!"




구글만쳐도 카페인정보가 나오던데 왜그러는지모르겠다.


일단 최근에 바뀐건지모르겠는데

2017년도 정도에는 봉지에 한봉당 0.5%이상 이라고만 표기되어있었는데

이는 한봉지가 2g이니까 카페인이 최소100mg은 들어있단소리다.


그런데 2018년정도에 다른블로거가 공식업체에 메일을보내 답변을받았는데

한봉지당 40mg-60mg이 들어있다고 답변이왔다고한다. 

이것역시 이 블로거가 쓴것이지만 확실한 정보가 아니기에

구글을 검색해보니 여러 판매사이트에서 봉지당 60mg이라고 표기하고 파는것을 발견했다.




아래가 해외 판매사이트중 하나의 원문이다 



More Information

Finally, pure Black G7! Black instant G7 has a number of advantages: it does not contain any added calories from added creamer or sugar, it can be mixed directly into cold water for iced coffee, its packet size is very small and fits easily in a wallet, and, of course, many people just prefer black coffee.

G7 is widely regarded as a unique and superior gourmet instant coffee, due to a processing plant built by Italian coffee technology experts that uses a proprietary process to create flavorful instant coffee from unroasted, green coffee beans. The beans are roasted and powdered in one process that eliminates the usual bitterness of freeze-dried coffee common to other processes. If you have never tried G7, you have never seen how great instant coffee can taste. The Black G7, requested by consumers for years, is finally available. Its only ingredient: Coffee. Use it alone or as a base in coffee drinks or cooking.

If you do like your coffee sweet, but are watching your sugar intake, then the Black G7 is ideal because you can sweeten it with your non-nutritive sweetener of choice (Splenda, Nutrasweet, etc.). You can also add your own cream, milk, or non-dairy creamer if you like. This black instant is highly suitable for allergy sufferers, because they can be certain that there is nothing in the packet but pure black instant coffee.

An exciting discovery for us was that the Black G7 mixes easily in cold water. During the hot summer months, iced coffee is particularly pleasurable, but regular G7 must always be mixed in hot water first before being poured over ice. This can be tricky because the ice melts and may dilute the coffee. With Black G7, there's no problem making coffee as cold as you like, anywhere you have access to iced and water and want to enjoy a glass of gourmet iced coffee!

G7 is 100% pure black coffee with nothing added. Caffeine is rated at 60 mg per serving/packet, about 20% less than an average cup of brewed coffee. One sachet makes about 7 ounces of coffee. Natural sugar content of the beans is approximately 0.2 grams per serving. Note that the nutritional facts label provides values for 100 grams, which is equivalent to 50 servings.

(Starbucks® and Starbucks Via® are registered trademarks owned by Starbucks Corporation)




위에 밑줄친 부분보면  1회분/한봉지  당 60mg이라고 써있다.

출처는 그냥 구글에서 g7 caffaine쳐서 파는사이트 들어가면 여러군데나오기에 딱히 안적음.


저걸보니 이전에 다른블로거가 공식업체에 문의해서 받았던


봉지당 카페인 40mg-60mg라는 말에 신빙성이 더해졌다.



그러니까 g7 블랙커피의 경우 한봉당 카페인이 60mg정도라고 생각하고 마시면 된다.







